The 53rd HK Arts Festival .Feature

Interview with Cristiana Morganti|The Perks of Being Self-Critical

Text / Shao yi Chan

Cristiana Morganti can't take herself seriously—a self-understanding that she takes very seriously. 

Born in Italy but based in Germany, the 56-year-old dancer-choreographer has a unique way of weaving disparate worlds together. She is sharp-tongued but soft-spoken, straight-faced while effortlessly ironic. "I don't think so intellectually," she tells FestMag, yet there's such clairvoyance, such mechanical precision to her words, that it almost feels as though she'd choreographed them.  

Jessica and Me, her solo work that will make its Asia premiere at the 2025 Hong Kong Arts Festival, seems to be the apotheosis of this duality. Created in 2014, the piece coincided with an important watershed in her career. "I created the piece the same year that I left the company," says Morganti, who danced for 20 years at Pina Bausch's Tanztheater Wuppertal, "It was a very fragile moment for me, but I needed so badly to see if I could do my own stuff, after so many years in a company working with a unique artist such as Pina Bausch." She speaks as if she's a third-person narrator: "I ask myself: will I be able to create my own universe in my pieces? Will I be able to discover my personal dramaturgy and develop my own vision?"  

It was during this process of soul-searching that she rediscovered Jessica—her imaginary self from childhood—and through Jessica her own voice. But far from being the soulmate of our dreams, Morganti's Jessica is unpredictable, nerve-wracking and borders on rude, as she continuously interrupts and ignores Morganti while spitting out questions that are near impossible to keep up with. If anything, the result is a curious blend of self-referential wit and comic whimsicality that has become a staple of Morganti. 

The unmistakable, albeit somewhat uncanny presence of Jessica is owed in large part to the medium she speaks through: a tape recorder. "I thought I wanted to have a voice from the loudspeaker asking me questions, but at that time I didn't have a phone that could record audio and recording studios were too expensive. Then I saw that my son had this old tape recorder that we bought in a flea market." There's something strangely fascinating about analogue devices and their power to transport their users to a different time and different place, and the archaic quality of the medium had an almost instant appeal to Morganti: "It's my time, my generation, so it has something to do with my story, my life."

A Cruel Art
If screwball humour and sheer virtuosity aren't enough to pique your interest, Morganti's brutal honesty will. While the veteran dancer mocks and dramatises her ageing in the piece ("I'd like to move slowly, slowly, slowly!"), she also finds it rewarding to embrace changes and persevere in an industry where ageism is endemic. "If you want to go on, you have to let go [of] a lot of your habits and you have to learn from injuries... I would say it's a very cruel art: in the moment you finally understand, through experience and long practice, how to use your body and your energy in the most efficient way, your body begins to stop following you," she says lovingly of this cruel art form, that she sees also as a lesson in life and wisdom. 

Cristiana Morganti—Jessica and Me
Date:Mar 8-9 2025
Venue:Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

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